Monday, October 22, 2012

Scholarships: How to get 'em

For all those honor students who want an ensured future a scholarship is a thing you should go after.
this is an editorial article I made for my local newspaper. Hope you like it!

Eyes Wide Open

            Scholarships are very hard to come by and applying for it may be even more difficult. With a majority of the student population who are financially incapacitated it only shows that the demand for scholarships is great.
            Scholarships can greatly help families of the students. It lightens the load that the parents need to shoulder. The only problem is, we hardly hear anything about scholarships.
            To solve this problem, we only need one thing, initiative. We cannot expect application forms to be served on a silver platter. Of course we need to keep our eyes open for any news about scholarships. Ask the people who are involve and get their requirements. The most commendable person in the school to ask about scholarships is the guidance counselor. A guidance counselors does more than just give disciplinary actions, they also assist in the students request for scholarships or anything regarding to improve a student’s academic performance. A quick visit twice a month can keep you updated. This gives you ample time to accomplish the tasks being requested.

            Do not be afraid to ask questions. The guidance counselors will be happy to help you. In fact, it is their utmost priority to make your life as a student comfortable, both socially and financially.

            If the guidance office cannot give you any information about scholarships, ask teachers. There are some who offer aid to financially needy students. Other than that, the internet is another convenient way. Scholarships are offered by people, companies and foundations. Look around and you will definitely stumble upon one.
            Initiative is definitely needed since the guidance office is always busy. It is more appropriate if we go to them, not the other way around. Asking around is another way to get informed. Keeping our eyes wide open definitely pays off.

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