Today marks a year after 12/21/12, a prophesized date that
was believed to be the expiration of the world. A lot happened in a few years
prior to that. Our reaction to the coming doomsday speaks a lot about our
understanding of beginnings and, most especially, endings.
2012 received a lot of hype when a film about it was
produced in 2009. Everyone had their own way of preparing for that fateful
December day. Even if you didn't believe, admit it, you still had a few
thoughts. You asked yourself what would happen in those last fleeting moments
of your life. A sense of curiosity was all around us. We question the validity
of such an event, but we also imagine a world where it did happen.
There were numerous theories behind doomsday. Some theorized
a shift of the north and south pole.
Another speculated that in 2012 we were
long overdue for another Yellowstone eruption or a meteor strike. Even if NASA
discredited these conspiracy theories, people still weren't sure they were safe
because the date might not be right but the possibility is definitely there.
It’s just a matter of time.
Some people spiritually prepared themselves by praying hard
or going to pilgrimages. Others took it to the next level, a group of people
called Doomsday Preppers thought of
radical ways to survive Armageddon.
It was January 2012, and people were now feeling the pressure
of how short time is going by. Suddenly everything mattered. People now began
reflecting on their lives. They recalled all the glories and follies they ever
One of the few things good about 2012 was how it changed
people’s relationships. Some took the chance to make-up with old enemies.
Classmates hugged each other in a Christmas party and gave forgiveness. While
others admitted grievances to one another. Although skeptical, it wouldn’t hurt
to get a few things off your chest before the year ends.
12/21/12 came….and
It was just a normal day. We all woke up, grabbed breakfast and did our
routine. Nothing unusual about it except
for a few waiting for Yellowstone to erupt or a meteor to come crashing down
and ending all our lives. The sun rose in the east and as the moon came, it
became more and more apparent that 2012 was just a hoax. Nostradamus was wrong.
As the moon rose brightly on that Friday night, a sigh of
relief escaped our mouths. A realization strikes us: we still had another year
to live.
Then Christmas came a few days after. The yuletide spirit
caught us all away. 6 days later we celebrated the new year with a bang. And
the idea of doomsday went away as we switched our calendar to 2013.
Yet on this day, 12/21/12 still remains in our lives. We
didn’t die but 2012 gave us a new perspective about life.
Every day is a race. Time is against you. Life is a race.
The moments are counting down and every action you take is using up time.
We all have dreams. Yet life is too short to just dream. We
live for a purpose and we should spend time reaching that. The moment the sun
rises, the moment we wake up, we must already have a plan ahead for the day and
accomplish it.
Doomsday or not, live every single second of your life like
it is your last. Never take for granted every day given to you. A lot of people
have regrets and will do everything to be alive again. This moment is yours,
take it. Do everything the best you can.
Our lives might be just an illusion or it might be reality.
But once we cross over, our existence vanishes. YOLO is wrong. For you live a
life every day, but only die once. And once you die you can never be yourself again.
Every life is a blessing. It’s up to you to make the most of
Love like there is no other.
Live like there’s no other day.
And learn like there is so much to learn.
Carpe diem!
Seize the day!
Seize the day!
How did you spend your 12.21.12? I'd like to hear from you!
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